Guide: Fix ‘Netflix Not Working in Chrome’ Issue

It’s hard to find someone who doesn’t have Netflix. While they may also have other subscription services – Hulu, Spotify, HBO Now – Netflix is ​​almost always a constant. Many of us may not even remember what you did for entertainment before Netflix came along to shake up up the market. Of course, that dependence means that when something happens to the service, it has a significant impact on your nightly plans. Compsmag Cut the Cord Weekly Sign Me Up We will not spam you. If you’re trying to watch Netflix in Chrome and it won’t load, you’re not alone. This happens all the time on my PC which can be really annoying when trying to enjoy an evening full of the latest Netflix originals. Although most of these problems can be solved by speeding up Chrome and to get a more stable connection it’s also good to look at Netflix specific fixes just to make sure you have your PC up and runs properly.

Troubleshoot Netflix on Chrome

Netflix works perfectly 99% of the time, but that one percent can have a significant impact. While my error was’ An unexpected error has occurred. Please reload the page and try again. ‘I know there are other errors. I’ll try to cover most of them here. Here are a few things to try if your Netflix isn’t working in Chrome.

Refresh the page

The first thing to do is force the page to refresh. Chrome is quite memory intensive and can crash from time to time when there’s a lot going on. If playback stops and you see an error, Chrome will be forced to reload the page as if it were the first time you refresh the page. A forced refresh is different from a ‘normal’ F5 refresh in that the page is simply reloaded using existing data. Using Ctrl + R on Windows bypasses the cache and forces a full reload of the page. For Mac, use Cmd + Shift + R to achieve the same goal. This will reload the page and hopefully restart playback without the error.

Clear the Chrome cache

If reloading the page around the cache doesn’t work, try clearing the cache completely. It removes any potentially corrupt files that prevent Netflix from working in Chrome. There is a specific error code for this, C7053-1803, but clearing the cache can work for many browser playback issues. Open a new tab in Chrome and type or paste ‘chrome: // settings / clearBrowserData’ in the URL bar. Select All time and cookies and site data, as well as cached images and files. Select Clear data. You need to sign in to Netflix again and restart the stream, but it should work fine now.

Try Chrome’s incognito mode

For some reason, using incognito mode can work where clearing the cache doesn’t work. Incognito mode uses a different profile without cache to work and only accepts session cookies. In theory, it doesn’t do anything that clearing the cache doesn’t, but it can get around Netflix issues.

Check your extensions

If you’ve added a new extension to Chrome and Netflix suddenly decides to stop working, it’s worth checking out. Disable the extension, force reload the page and see if playback returns to normal. If so, delete the extension. If not, try the next step in the list.

Try a different Chrome profile

I haven’t had to use this method before as clearing the cache usually does this for me, but I have been reliably informed by a friend that this works too. Sometimes a problem with your Chrome profile can cause problems with video playback. Creating a new Chrome user profile can work around that. If you don’t have an additional Google account, you can also use Chrome as a guest. You can sign out of Chrome or go to People in Settings, Manage other people and select Browse as a guest at the bottom of the popup window.

Use a different browser or the Netflix app

You may be associated with Chrome, but it is not associated with you. If it doesn’t work properly with Netflix, try a different browser. If you’re on Windows, try the Netflix app. It has been redesigned and greatly improved and now works very well. It could be one of those fixes trick if Netflix doesn’t work in Chrome. Do you have any other suggestions? Tell us below if you do!

Fix ‘Netflix Not Working in Chrome’ Issue: benefits


Final note

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